Questions to Ask: When Navigating Grief + Anxiety
“Someone has always clinked a cocktail glass in one hemisphere as someone loses a home in another, while someone falls in love in the same apartment building where someone grieves. The fact that suffering and beauty coincide is unbearable and remarkable.”
At Soul Supper, our community is the most important part of our brand and the only reason why we are here. Members of our community are hurting as we watch acts of unspoken violence and terror which could have easily happened to any of us. At our core, it is all about human connection no matter where in the world you are. We have created a special edition set of questions to lead you through conversations during these times of conflict and uncertainty. As a reminder, please be kind to one another, you have no idea what the other may be going through. A smile, a bouquet of flowers, a hand-written note, a call to a loved one or a home cooked meal mean more than you know.
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